The Net of Tales – Development of museum pedagogy (programmes, expansion of infrastructure and professional support)
49 966 380 Ft
Date of execution: 01 March 2018- 28 February 2021
The aim of the project is to promote the world of the Hungarian folk tales, the literary education of tales and the storytelling skills in cooperation with the local pedagogical institutions within the framework of the non-frontal form of education of István Türr Museum. The museum would like to develop the knowledge and the skills, which are in connection with the Hungarian folk tales, storytelling and the epical tradition of the Bácska region. The project is a great opportunity to protect and to pass on the multi-ethnic cultural heritage of the Bácska region. It also helps to create equal opportunities within the frames of public education.
The programmes of the project:
Creation of the Net of Tales Folktale Spot
The creation and maintenance of a cultural space of 50 people in the main building of István Türr Museum in Deák Ferenc street, where with the help of a mobile installation the visitors can experience the life of the folktales of the Bácska region. This colourful place is perfect for kids who can experience the complex life of folktales, develop their knowledge and Hungarian skills through creative, interactive and diverse programmes.
The basis of all programmes is folktales, which are processed traditionally with the objects of the permanent and temporary exhibitions of the museum or with the methods of museum pedagogy and drama pedagogy. There is a connection between the content, structure and form of folktales and the places and objects of the museum, which provides the base of the sessions.
The colleagues of the museum create topic and lesson plans for the sessions.
They organise annual series of workshops based on folktales including drama and museum pedagogy occasions.
They run a creative, tale-composing group with the title ‘You need a bit of courage for life’.
The creation of a storytelling series where they collect Hungarian, Gypsy and South Slavic tales.
They start a series of cultural lessons with the title ‘Tales of the museum’.
The organisation of folktale competitions: storytelling, collecting and illustrating competitions, which are multilingual and cross-border.
The organisation of professional workshops of storytelling: The workshop includes the theoretical, practical and methodological background of traditional and folktale storytelling; moreover, it provides ethnographical and performing skills. This workshop is in cooperation with colleagues of the Hungarian Heritage House and well-known performers.
The creation of different publications and teaching materials: Judit Raffai ‘The most beautiful tales of Bácska region’ (160-200 pages), an eBook and a Folktale Spot museum pedagogical booklet which includes and works with the handwritten folktales of the database of the Türr István Museum. The museum pedagogical booklet is based on Judit Raffai’s book and it consists of the teaching material of the workshops.
Tales of the museum – The storybook of the museum. This is the collection and material of the tale-composing workshop which is the main part of the Folktale Spot. It would include the narratives, which were inspired by treasures of the ethnic groups of Northern Bácska.
Treasures of the folktale competition would be published in a brochure which promotes the Folktale Spot too. The brochure would be available online as well.
Nights of tales within the frames of the Nights of the Museums
Storytelling Nights of the museum
Days of Tales for Families: a series of programmes for families including museum pedagogy sessions connected to different celebrations and holidays
Project Partnership in the region of Baja:
Szent László Primary School
Kinder garden of Kinizsi Street, Baja
Szeremle- Dunafalva Primary School
Bíber János Primary School of Érsekcsanád
Vocational Training Centre of Baja
The project puts a special stress on the integration of the students from lower socio-economical backgrounds: the habitants of the Children’s Home of Baja which belongs to the Szent Ágota Foundation of Children Protection.